Food Test / Alfa Chemistry


Food analysis is an important link in the process of food quality management and supervision. It runs through all links in the entire process of product development, research, production, storage, transportation, sales and so on.

Through analysis and inspection of raw materials and auxiliary materials in food production, you can understand whether these raw materials meet the production requirements. Through the inspection of semi-finished and finished products, you can grasp the basic situation of the production process. Identify the problems in production in time and take corresponding measures to reduce the non-conformity rate of products, thereby reducing certain economic losses.

Food analysis services can help manufacturers, retailers, importers, and exporters comply with regulations and address consumer concerns.

Food Testing Service at Alfa Chemistry

Alfa Chemistry is at the forefront of food and environmental testing research and development. These measures include the development and application of new laboratory technologies to produce faster results and provide more information analysis. In innovative proteomics, our scientists are committed to using advanced technology to analyze food and the environment.

As the world's leading food testing, inspection and verification company, we provide a full range of analytical services for the food and beverage industry.

We provide you with unparalleled experience and professional skills, the latest technology, first-class laboratories, and experienced staff. Around the world, we can provide customized and innovative analysis to ensure quality safety and compliance.

We strictly comply with the quality assurance/quality control plan and regulatory requirements of each country and region to provide support to you, including but not limited to the following criteria and methods:

  • BAM
  • ASTM
  • AOAC
  • EC 1935/2004
  • LFGB
  • DM 21/03/1973
  • JFSL
  • GB/T & SN
  • UAE.S / GSO 2231: 2012

Contact our analysis service team immediately to discuss your needs!

Our Advantages

  • To eliminate the influence of random factors and ensure the validity of the experimental results, we set up multiple control groups and repeat the experiment three times.
  • Deliver high-quality reports, including descriptions of experimental procedures and instrument settings, raw data, final results, etc.
  • We have highly and robust capable hardware, simple sample preparation, and streamlined and simplified data processing tools to ensure you can get the reports quickly.

At Alfa Chemistry, our analytical scientists are highly experienced and knowledgeable in the application of analytic techniques and analyses to a wide variety of foods and beverages. If you have any questions or specific needs, do not hesitate to contact us.


Allergen Screening & Analysis Service

Test allergens present in food


Food Authenticity Analysis Service

Detecting food fraud and verifying food authenticity


Food Additives Test

Detect and quantify food additives according to WHO's food additive


Contaminants Analysis Service

Detect, analyze and identify contaminants and foreign particles


Pesticide Residue Analysis Service

Identify and quantify pesticide residues in feed products and food


Nutritional Analysis Service

Determine the nutritional contents of foods and food products

Not intended for personal food safety testing.

Online Inquiry

  • Verification code